Conversation Starter #26
I'd like to start studying for exams. These are all done in advance, saving me time, and increasing efficiency. The week I'm writing this, (the week after semester finished at uni) is the week I should start studying for exams and discovering where I need to focus my attention. Next week, I'll be able to duck into uni and visit a tutor if something is bothering me. That's the plan!
Conversation Starter #24
Spending time with friends! It's nice and all to have some time off, but what makes it special is spending it with friends!
Conversation Starter #23
Hrm... I don't know if there is anything that I love but can't do for the life of me... How about I'm not good at making it, but I love chocolate...? Does that count?
Ah! I know! I'm no good at playing rugby, but I love watching it! It's much more entertaining than AFL!
Conversation Starter #22
People who have the motivation to work without needing to remind themself why they need to do it. Sure, I study well in advance before exams, but that doesn't mean I didn't force myself to do it. There is usually just a bunch of stuff I'd rather be doing...
Conversation Starter #21
Erm... No I don't really wonder anything... If I don't know what it is, how it works, or what's going on, I do the research and find out.
Conversation Starter #20
Ten years ago I...
Was ten years old. Ten years old + Ten years ago = 20th conversation starter. Believe me, this was quite a coincidence. I didn't even notice until I wrote ten twice. Ten years ago I was still in primary school, lived in Sandringham, and didn't know quite as much as I do today. Knowledge increases with age.
Knowledge = age × ((learning constant) ÷ (brain depreciation)). Units are arbitrary.
That is, you're always learning something; your knowledge is always increasing. Every person has a different "learning constant" and as such, people learn at different rates. Over time, "brain depreciation" affects you, and as it increases, it forces the amount of learning you'll do in a year down. Brain depreciation will take on an exponential system as time increases (and as such, has an equation in its own right). You'll still learn, you always do, just less.
Oh, and I made that all up on the spot from empirical observation.
Some people just don't pay attention on the roads. For example, looking before changing lanes.
Green P-plater decided he liked my lane cruising along at 80km/h. He changed lanes. Into me.
I look over at him (after recovering from the shock I just had a car smack into me) and shrug that universal "What the FUCK, man?" thing. He shrugs it too. His girlfriend shrugs it too.
I pull over into a slip lane to assess the damage and say hello to the guy who was probably more interested in the topic of conversation with his girlfriend than he was on the road. He keeps driving.
I have white paint on my car now. And a bump on my driver's side door. The plastic trim took most of the damage. And I'm a little shaken. Else ok. Not worth the insurance claim anyway. Still, unimpressed James is unimpressed.
I'd put him on my shit list, but I was sorta stunned from the shock that he hit me to get details. Sigh... So if someone see a white car with green P-plates and blue paint on the passenger side, let me know. Cheers.
Also, the sound two cars make when colliding is different to what I expected. Sounded... crunchy...
Conversation Starter #19
If I could go back in time...
I'd get bored very quickly. History is something that we should only learn the lessons from, not the stories. We can't change the past, only the future. Learn from others mistakes, and don't repeat them. If you send me back in time, send me back to before the big bang. That actually might be interesting.
Avast, me hearties!
Arrrrrr! T'day be a day ta waggle ya tongue like a a fellow buccaneer! T'day be "International Talk like a Pirate day" which ta me sounds som'tin' like "Drink rum and sail the seven seas day."
I, arrr, trottle into my waterhole t' other day wit my ships wheel on the front of my trowsers. The barman says ta me: "What that wheel be thar for?" and I says "I donno, but it's drivin' me nuts!"
And so I be needin' a new thing wit buttons soon; and happen t'pick a new ship out already -
She be a beauty...
Conversation Starter #18
My guilty pleasure...
Is spending too much time in bed. I know I should and can get up at 7am, and stay up all day, but sometime just going back to bed and letting the mind wander is highly enjoyable.
Conversation Starter #17
I value...
Friendship over anything else. Yeah, I know friendship actually involves other values, like trust, respect and all that, so all I've done is said that I value everything, but there is no real value that is more important than any other. Individually, they're great; together, they make friends.
Conversation Starter #16
I couldn't live without...
Many of you would tell me I'd die without my phone or computer; but I'd like to tell you that's complete bollocks.
I can quite easily survive in the bush without any contact for a few weeks. Just as long as I was close to the ocean.
Yup, I couldn't live without being close to the ocean one way or another. And a fishing pole. That's all I need...
A whole heap of you have shown an interest in some of the awesome backgrounds I've been making. I've popped them on my box (look on the right, scroll down a little, not that hard) for you all to download and use yourself. Keep in mind they remain my property; some of those took over twelve hours to make, and it'd be like me claiming to have painted the Mona Lisa - I didn't. In other words, I own the copyright to these images.
But you'd like to make your own? Here:
Bump up the quality to get a better image, but expect to wait a few days depending on your computer (4x2.4Ghz took over 12 hours at HD).
Sometimes, I just enjoy harassing sales staff.
I have nothing against them really, I just like to ask those tricky questions that take them off guard that not even sales reps know the answer to. Like my old RJ45 question. Not even sales reps know that kind of information. (In case you're wondering, last paragraph of
Today, I figured it'd be an easier one. "What is the major advantage of a widescreen monitor over a standard (4:3) one?"
Yeah. Easier. Right.
First stop: Dick Smith.
I was served instantly by Cameron, an Arts student of some type student dealing with some sort of international studies subject. There is nothing wrong with that degree in the slightest, just so you all know. But the big question, could he make me feel compelled to purchase a widescreen rather than that standard screen?
No. No, he couldn't. Not by a long shot. The moment he said something blatantly incorrect, I was hoping the next store had the answer. His "major difference" between the two: "widescreen has a higher resolution, and hence everything looks better"
Penis joke time, I'm comparing myself to the Arts student.
Let's pitch the 19" widescreen he was trying to sell vs. my 19" standard from home.His 19" thing had a resolution of 1440x900 and my 19" thing has a resolution of 1280x1024. Therefore, his is wider, but not as tall; and mines not as wide, but it has some height to it. Is there a difference between them in terms of picture? You betcha! Multiply them together.
1,440x900=1,296,000 (Whoa, that's a lot of pixels, but wait!)
1,280x1024=1,310,720 (Huge! I can fit a lot on my thing).
Evidently, my thing, exactly the same size, can fit "more" on it. Hence, is more useful. It's not the size that counts, but how you use it. Next!
Side note between stores: As a result of that mathematical finding, I'd expect the cost of standard screens to be greater. However, people seem to be happy to pay through the ass for something that apparently "looks better." (Assuming you're not an idiot and don't stretch the image anyway)
Second store: BCC (That one that you've never been inside)
I was rummaging through the bargain bin when someone came to help. "All I want to know is the major advantage of a widescreen monitor over a standard one."
"We don't sell standard ones. They don't make them anymore." Brilliant. That really answered my question. I explained I wasn't interested in buying one today, I just wanted to know for the future (ie. When I was interested). And for the reference, they DO still make them, and forever will (ie. Ten years, that's forever in tech speak).
"Oh, the widescreen one has a better resolution for DVD's." If I want to watch DVD's, I'll go watch them on a TV. I told him such.
"But they make games for widescreen now too." Ugh! Yes, they make them for widescreen now, but they've been making them for standard screen for a shitload longer... Now it's marketable to do both (and forever will be). Next!
Finally: JB Hi-Fi
I stood there for a while looking at the monitors, there were some ones here I actually liked the look of, even if they were widescreen. While over in external drives, I was asked if I required assistance.
"Well, widescreen better supports the native resolutions of DVD's and camcorders." Aha! Keyword of the day that I should have heard at every store, but didn't: Native! I asked which would be better use for everyday application, none of this video bullshit (Handballs off to Michael for that one).
"Well, then there's really no difference, just wider and shorter." I explained to him I'd want to use two monitors side by side, and asked if there was any benefit in having two widescreen monitors over two standard ones.
"None." Actually, there are only disadvantages: that you chew up more desk space than an accountant at tax time (as the monitors are wider).
So again, I left the store, well and truly amazed that people still buy widescreen monitors even though they have a perfectly good HD-TV in their house to watch DVD's on. Honestly, there's no real difference. If you plan on using multiple or for just everyday use, standard is better. If you plan to edit movies, widescreen is better (though you're likely to need two in this scenario anyway). As such, we still should have both on our shelves for purchase. I didn't see a single 4:3 screen in the stores today, quite depressing...
Nevertheless, there was a lesson learnt today: Putting an Arts student in Dick Smith selling computers is like hiring a convicted paedophile for a kindergarten teacher job. It's probably counter-productive.
Conversation Starter #15
My most embarrassing moment...
Makes me laugh. There's plenty that I can think of, none of which are appropriate to actually share.
I've become somewhat immune to embarrassment; because I can shake off anything I do now with a stupid comment.
Shit List #3
I have another page of these in my car; so expect another lot soon. Moreover, it's often wet out, so a little more care is required on the road. Why this fills up faster in winter is beyond me...
DR063 – Serious tailgating, heavy speeding, exceptionally erratic driving.
SFY638 – Runs red lights.
WMQ712 – One lane. Please. Drive in one lane.
TPM318 – Indicate on approach to your turn or lane change, before you start braking, before you start moving. This goes out to everyone!
QXU091 – There was a queue of people wanting you to speed up just a little.
PBB075 – Tailgating. I brake heavily, you slow down, and then speed up and keep doing it anyway. I made my point that you're tailgating, there were two other lanes moving faster, drive somewhere else!
Now, the more observant of you will notice many of these number plates are newer ones. On new cars mostly. One could easily deduce from this that the newer (or more fancy your car) the more of a danger you are on the road. I'd agree; but maybe there are just more newer, more expensive cars where I drive.
Conversation Starter #14
I'll never forget...
High School. Seriously everyone, it is a load of fun. And it starts back in a week for you Haileybury kids now doesn't it?
Here's a link that you must go and read. I freaking warned you all! I did warn you!
Enjoy them, all of them; you'll hold them forever.
Conversation Starter #13
I wish I could...
Read people's minds sometimes.
Or maybe I wish I could run idiots off the road legally.
So he died.
Now the world is presented with a problem:
If we cremate him, we release many toxins into the atmosphere.
If we bury him, he will not decompose, and some poor sod will him dig up one day.
Yet another reason why we should make plastics worldwide biodegradable...
Train Time!
I'm sitting on the train, heading into the city for some study before tomorrow's Communication Engineering exam, and I thought I'd just keep you updated with everything at the moment.
Ah, let's see...
I've been doing a heap of work at the hospital recently, making money before uni starts up again. I always feel I'm busier on holidays than I am during the actual semester. I guess during the semester I have a set timetable and I know when I'll be free to do other stuff... I've already had one exam – Electrical Systems – that I think I did alright in. Only had to answer five of six questions, and I answered three really well, one ok, and one not so brilliant. Another ne tomorrow with a similar structure; and then two next week.
Last weekend I went to Rachael's formal, which was a load of fun - all dressed up and such. And then I stayed the night at Rach's afterwards. It was very relaxing, a great way to relax before exams. If you'd like some photos you'll find some... somewhere... or I can send you a DVD of them all. Yeah, a DVD. That's how many I took (that or I don't have any CD's anymore, take your pick).
Oh, I'm at South Yarra, time flies when it takes as long to type as I do! Plans for next week: Two exams; then more work. If I end up with Thursday off, I'll visit a friend or two.
Hope you're all having a blast!
Conversation Starter #12
I should do more...
Exercise. Or study. Or maybe I should help some people at uni out more with their work. Or something.
What should I do more of?
The Shit List #2
Ok, I am filling up pages of numberplates faster than I thought I would be.
Here is another set for you:
WXL946 (C'mon, still tailgating me after I braked heavily to show you I wasn't impressed about it the first time, there's no rush)
(EDIT: 100th post. Woo!)
Sneeze harder; I don't believe you yet!
Conversation Starter #11
My next holiday destination...
Will probably be Blairgowrie, considering I have nothing else planned between now and then. Week away with awesome people shall be loads of fun!
Merry May
Last day of uni on the twenty-ninth, glad to have this semester (almost) done.
Work, work, work at the moment.
However, more interestingly, today is the last day of May, the last day of Autumn, and tomorrow the first day of Winter.
Fast run through of May, yeah?
Early May, Dad's birthday, lots of a very filling cake... Mmmm... Cake...
Moreover, Jesus Christ Superstar. Show was fantastic. So hot, it almost caught fire.
Middle of May, Tash's party, with a guest appearance from Jesus.
Also: JD's birthday; Pancake Parlour; Shopping in th
e city; Cancer (boo!); Crepes; Movie night.
Work every Wednesday (I have not been outside during daylight hours on a Wednesday this month).
In addition, I turned twenty. Fun things of note: Suit and associated items; items for my cuffs; subscription to a magazine I was planning to buy a subscription to next month; fan controller (see picture); enough money to fill my car up four times (or enough for two and a bit months); cards; hugs; and well wishes.
Plan for June: Work every Wednesday, and most Friday's. Study hard for exams, especially Math and Electrical Systems. Relax before another hectic semester. Visit friends all over Melbourne. Fiddle. Invent something. Increase my average sentence length...
Hope you've all had an awesome May 2009; now onto Winter!

Conversation Starter #10
My best feature...
Without counting my dazzling personality, would either be my legs or my eyes. I like my legs; they look nice in my opinion. And my eyes are that wonderful shade of blue that people stare into and get lost (or so I'm told).
Nice little modest post here, yeah? =P
Celebrate tomorrow, awesome people were born...
The Shit List
I'm collecting number plates of cars that drive dangerously on the road, or generally give Melbourne the title of "Worst Drivers in Australia"
While it would be obvious to stick myself on this list, I at least know when my behaviour on the road will effect other users. These people, do not.
I can't believe I have to do a general shout-out of some commonly dangerous behaviour on Melbourne's roads:
Drifting across lanes while turning a corner when there are other cars nearby is something that really pisses me off, and every person that does it, gets on the "shit list."
Tailgating is another dangerous one, that all too many do. Count to two, start at zero. Time starts at zero, not one. If you're a P-plater, add half a second. If you're tired, add a second. If it's wet, add a second. If the radio is on, add half a second. Yes, all add significantly to the time it takes to brake.
Also, driving in the wrong lane/driving too slow. Yes, I understand that you're "playing it safe" but that means you should be in the left lane so other road users can over take you. Doing fifty in the right lane on a two (or more) lane road where the limit is seventy is dangerous. That means you, users of Nepean Hwy (where it's eighty, but doing fifty past Southland seems to be the norm). If you must drive slow, then the left lane is the place to be.
Indicators! Oh my... It's a little stick that points out from the steering wheel, very close to your hands. Use it! With some advance too! Don't worry you'll use it too much, at least then others on the road will know you're planning on doing something. Use it well before turning.
School zones. I'm tough on this because I was still there recently. And if I'm driving in two lanes at forty in a sixty zone when it's school time, it's probably because I'm forcing you to slow down. This does not give you entitlement to flash your high beams, toot your horn and tailgate me. If you're doing all that, it means you're on the shit list. Tough.
These are the top few things that annoy me while driving.
I won't put L-platers on the shit list because they're still learning. I won't take people off the list. I know I break them myself sometimes (never speeding in School Zones or driving in the wrong lane too slow though) so you don't need to point out that no one is perfect, I already know. This list is for drivers who did something that put me or my passengers at risk without realising it.
So, welcome to the shit-list:
S1LK (oh seriously...)
FLZ055 (this person would get here twice if I could do it)
DEBDOM (yes, I saw you, tailgating me there with your flashing headlights in that school zone, welcome to 40km/h).
WDP353 (120km/h is a dangerous speed to be closer than two meters to my rear bumper, just a pointer)
I'll be adding to this as time goes by of course.
Til next time.
Conversation Starter #9
When I was a child I wanted to be...
Oh... Ah... I'm fairly certain billionaire was on that list. Come to think of it, it still is.
I don't think I went through that whole "firefighter/policeman/doctor" thing that most kids go through, mainly because I pick cooler jobs. Like engineering. Win!
Attack of the Fluorides
Answering a couple of statements on Fluoride and the fact I swallow toothpaste (rather than spit). I'm always up for a bit of science, I'm like Dr. Karl of teenagers sometimes (especially when there's alcohol involved). As opposed of course to the Mythbusters, where there's less science and more "bang."
"If you swallow too much, too often it can kill you"
The commonly accepted concentration of toothpaste is a simple 0.32% w/w (look on the back of your toothpaste container for you own observational data). Assuming that toothpaste has the same density of water and our test is at 25 degrees Celsius, that would mean the total mass of Fluoride content in one serve (as Na2PO3F) is 3.2mg.
A lethal dose of Fluoride is 23mg/kg of body mass (Robert H. Dreisbach PhD, "Fluorine, Hydrogen Fluoride & Derivatives" in the Handbook of Poisoning 9th Edition 1977). As such, for a adult my size (70kg) I would require to ingest 1610mg of Fluorine for a lethal effect. Or, in terms of toothpaste 503.125g. Half a kilo of toothpaste? Yup, sure... That toothpaste... Lethal...
"It will eat away at your gastrointestinal tract and may not even show symptoms until it's too late."
"It can cause dental fluorosis, bone fractures, bone cancer, infertility, neurotoxicity and periodical bone loss."
"You can experience convulsions, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, drooling, heart attack, salty or soapy taste in mouth, slow heart rate, shock, tremors, vomiting or sickness"
Yes, again, I'm sure it can - in large quantities. However, if was so dangerous if you so detail, then why does every state in Australia (minus Queensland from memory, and they're discussing changing that because of dental problems) add Fluoride to their water? Oh, lets just add chemicals to our water without performing the checks of dangers to our community. In Australia, water has been treated with Fluoride to a concentration of 1mg/L ( The average recommended quantity of water to drink per day is 2L, containing 2mg of Fluoride. Slightly less than the concentration of toothpaste, yet having that pass through you every day almost the same as swallowing (as opposed to spitting, factoring that you swallow some accidentally when you brush anyway).
This proves that swallowing toothpaste is no more dangerous than drinking Melbourne's water, arguably the best in the world.
"It is used to remove Iron stains"
Never heard this before, let's assume so considering it is the element with the highest electonegativity. Then, following this simple method, the only iron in our body is in our haemoglobin, as state Fe2+ or Fe3+ ions (VCE Biology and VCE Chemistry). Two observations can be made from all points so far:
Iron stains are different to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in Haemoglobin; and hence the effect of Fluoride on Iron in our body is irrelevant.
Not a single "sickness" you defined in the list above is a direct result of iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is most commonly noticed by "fatigue, weakness, brittle nails, Plummer-Vinson syndrome or an impaired immune function" (Source: Bedside clock books).
"It's used in insecticide mostly against cockroaches."
I found two common insecticides (out of six) that reported to both be designed for cockroaches, and contained Fluoride. Of these, both reported that they do not affect mammals(Raymond-Delpech V, Matsuda, Sattelle BM, Rach JJ, Sattelle DB (2005), Ion channels: molecular targets of neuroactive insecticides). So the obvious point here is: Yes, fluoride is lethal - for cockroaches. I however, am human, a mammal, and am not in the slightest affected by its use in insecticides.
And that is just the Fluoride, completely rebutted. What's next?
Conversation Starter #8
I should do less...
Errr... This one is tough. There's plenty of things I should do more of, but doing less is considerably harder. I should probably be less silly and be more serious with my work and such, but I doubt that that would change my grades much. Seriously stuck on this one. Open to suggestions here on what I should do less of...
Conversation Starter #7
If I chose a different career...
I'd probably do what Luke does, sound and lighting. It is loads of fun, and there's always work available (according to Luke). But if I wanted to avoid stealing someone else's career? Hmmm... I would probably be a math or science teacher. No shit.
Conversation Starter #6
As a child I...
Always enjoyed playing out in the street, riding my bike and such... Loads of fun...
Ok, little tid-bits of news for all you lucky readers (there is a few of you!).
First, I started and finished my longest ever assignment on Sunday. Thirty-two pages! A lot more writing than I am used to! A graph here and there. It was on frequency and spectra, so all the graphs were either from the oscilloscope, or created by me in MATLAB (i.e. There was writing behind the graphs too!). Solid effort, hoping for a nice mark on this one. Looks good too...
Next, my car accelerator had been sticking to the floor. Obviously, that could be a bit of a safety issue. It is in for service today. I did, however, find and fix the problem before I dropped it off. Turns out it was being caught on the car mat. I removed the car mat to solve the problem. It is having a service anyway, it was due.
I am playing around with the BIOS in my computer again (surprise, surprise) after reading an article that the stock Q6600 can be over clocked easily past 3.0 GHz while still using the stock cooling system. Moreover, thanks to ASUS' easy motherboard tweaking stuff, I can either just set the percentage and let the motherboard do the work or I can adjust it all manually. I am currently testing stability at 10%; 2.64 GHz. Sitting idle, it is at 29 degrees, and at full load 45 degrees; which is plenty of headroom to bump it up to 15% at the next test. In addition, I am now dual booting Windows 7. It is so pretty... I am sold already (Anyone who points out I was sold before I even bought my computer is both completely correct, and a smartass).
So clearly, with all these assignments, and acceleration problems, and over clocking, I have been running a bit fast recently, which explains this sickness I am getting. Time to slow down again...
Conversation Starter #5
The last dream I had...
Ok, this might sound completely random, but the last dream I had involved Ricciuti playing soccer and accidently knocking out the umpire with the ball... Yeah... I know... Random...
Conversation Starter #4
The craziest thing I've ever done...
I don't know if I should answer this one. Haha! There's so many! I could put down all the times I've been skinny dipping. Or I could tell you about some alcohol induced event. Or I could even put done something indescribable. But I'd have to say the craziest thing I've ever done is be involved in the Haileybury drama department, because everyone is completely nuts, and it's rubbed off on me. Yup, I can admit I'm nuts! So much fun is had there! Serious people, hang out with crazy people, it'll make you smile more!
Conversation Starter #3
When I met our host...
It was way back in... wait... This doesn't make any sense! Ah, that's right, they're for a group gathering... Hmmm... Let's try another...
My favourite colour is...
Blue, did you even think I was going to say anything different? I have more blue clothes than the rest of my wardrobe combined. All the little things I own or buy, I always buy in blue. Why? Because blue is my favourite colour of course... And it's awesome...

Conversation Starter #2
Ok, I planned this to be a fortnightly thing, but at the moment I'm kinda bored at home, so I thought I might give you another to play with.
I didn't know then but I do now...
That the string on a party popper will not burn like a wick, and then "pop" when it reaches the base. I also found out that melted plastic all over your legs is painful. This is what happens when you give a boy a packet of matches...
Oh! I have another!
I didn't know then but I do now...
That the speed limit on the Princes Freeway to Geelong was 100km/h; not 110km/h. It's a Freeway, it's wide, and it's safe. Make it 120km/h! One hundred and forty-two dollars and one demerit point later...
Side note: How many do P-platers have anyway?
Conversation Starter #1
So for Christmas I got this little pack of "Party Conversation Starters" from Kikki-K. If you haven't seen them yet, or have no idea what they're about, I intend to use them, right here on my blog. They're little "finish the sentence" things. Quite simply, I intend them to be a way to learn a little bit more about me and a way to ensure I have regular blog posts this year (stop laughing). Feel free to also answer the question, either in the comments section, or on Facebook (like most of you already do).
Something I did well yesterday...
Was make an idiot of myself going "Rawr, rawr, rawr" everytime someone pointed out the shark on my arm, or I found an object I could make him look like he was eating. Rawr, rawr, rawr...
My Blue Aura
Right, I've been thinking my car was looking a bit dull for a while now and really needed something to separate it from the rest of the cars on the roads. Santa obviously got my letter, and wrapped up some 12" Blue neon's for me. Cheers Santa!
Yup, righto, I hear you. Those people with under body neon's are the people who you want to ram off the road as they speed past you in their fully riced up lawnmower. I had no intention of putting them under my chassis though. To start with I'm too old to be lying on concrete, trying to find a way to secure plastic lights. So I opted to put them where only the best will see their glow – under the two front seats...
Before I even started I knew there would be three issues. First, you need power. Second, you need to be sure the power you've selected can light the neon's. Finally, the purpose of this is still to unsure driver and passenger safety, and lights inside the car while driving at night can be a distraction.
Thanks to a suggestion from Santa that I had already considered, the best place to mount them would be at the back of the front seats, so the spill is mainly behind the driver's vision, and not in front. And when I last cleaned the car (that makes a grand total of the number I've cleaned the inside of that car to one now) I found that the driver's seat belt sensor could be unplugged. And even better, it registered twelve volts on my "oh, not stolen" multimeter. This should be a piece of cake right?
Wrong. To start with, I connected the Molex connector with the wrong polarity. Words beginning with "f" spill from my mouth. I donno about you, but I assume when I see a red and a blue wire; the blue will be the ground of the two. And then, to my dismay, I realised the second of my possible problems had come true. Being only a seatbelt sensor, it hardly needed the three Watts (hee hee, I said "Watt") to see if I put my seatbelt on (which I always do, even when backing out of the drive... Habit...) and as such, only half lit the neon's.
Bitch whore...
So now I need to find twelve volts somewhere in my car. To the idiot who just said take it off the battery, I don't have any more than a meter of wire, and that's before I point out the safety issues...
Four hours later, I found a set of wires heading to the rear of the car. I hoped to take a little bit of power off the parking lights (so the neon's would come on when I turn the headlights on). It only took me fifteen minutes to find a set with power in it, and another fifteen to find a set with twelve volts...
Not quite sure what the set of wires I found does, but they are "always on," which leads me to believe they have something to do with the rear boot light (the switch for which is based in the boot, how simple). And considering my other set of lights hasn't blown up yet, this seemed a good a set as any to take power from.
Extend my wire to the centre console, attach a Molex connector, plug it in, and voila! Under seat neon's! Reassemble the car (I know I took mine apart doing this, but I found long lost coins totalling $10).
Now to tuck this all away neatly I removed the much useless ash tray to mount a switch built into a PCI backpane (can anyone guess by now where these neon's were designed for use?) and drilled a hole in the plastic of the console to mount it. Silly me made the hole a touch too big, so don't play with it if you are in the position to do so, or I'll make you fix it...
Driving at night is a breeze with these, and don't distract me at all. The hardest bit is remembering to turn them off, because they're not visible during the day and remain on even when the ignition is off.
Have some photos of the car, or better yet, come for a night time drive...