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| 04 October 2009

Some people just don't pay attention on the roads. For example, looking before changing lanes.

Green P-plater decided he liked my lane cruising along at 80km/h. He changed lanes. Into me.

I look over at him (after recovering from the shock I just had a car smack into me) and shrug that universal "What the FUCK, man?" thing. He shrugs it too. His girlfriend shrugs it too.

I pull over into a slip lane to assess the damage and say hello to the guy who was probably more interested in the topic of conversation with his girlfriend than he was on the road. He keeps driving.

I have white paint on my car now. And a bump on my driver's side door. The plastic trim took most of the damage. And I'm a little shaken. Else ok. Not worth the insurance claim anyway. Still, unimpressed James is unimpressed.

I'd put him on my shit list, but I was sorta stunned from the shock that he hit me to get details. Sigh... So if someone see a white car with green P-plates and blue paint on the passenger side, let me know. Cheers.

Also, the sound two cars make when colliding is different to what I expected. Sounded... crunchy...

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