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Conversation Starter #20

| 06 October 2009

Ten years ago I...

Was ten years old. Ten years old + Ten years ago = 20th conversation starter. Believe me, this was quite a coincidence. I didn't even notice until I wrote ten twice. Ten years ago I was still in primary school, lived in Sandringham, and didn't know quite as much as I do today. Knowledge increases with age.

Knowledge = age × ((learning constant) ÷ (brain depreciation)). Units are arbitrary.

That is, you're always learning something; your knowledge is always increasing. Every person has a different "learning constant" and as such, people learn at different rates. Over time, "brain depreciation" affects you, and as it increases, it forces the amount of learning you'll do in a year down. Brain depreciation will take on an exponential system as time increases (and as such, has an equation in its own right). You'll still learn, you always do, just less.

Oh, and I made that all up on the spot from empirical observation.

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