Monday, I bought this laptop that I'm writing on now and on Tuesday I went out to the store again to actually pick it up. I spent all day Tuesday playing with it. It feels really powerful and works superbly at what I need it to do. By now I should have the files I need copied to it from my other computer but I bet I'll find I missed something later. It took me well and truly over 200 tools to customise and change Windows XP to the way I like it and with Vista I've only used four so far... No doubt that will change over time but it's a good sign that Microsoft might have done something right. It's only crashed twice, both times it was me acting stupid. I'm obviously enjoying the feel of my slick, new machine...
Wednesday I watched one and a half hours of Hamlet before getting bored and going to bed. Thursday I went to an Art gallery in the city to see the Australian Impressionists exhibition and I went on that new Ferris wheel in the city that you notice, specially at night time. Being not that fond of heights I was holding on pretty tightly... Favourite painting: Little Gossips, because it reminded me of people I know.
On Friday I spent the larger part of my day making my bed cos the sheets never seemed to look right. I even tried rolling them up but that didn't really work either, it looked like a slug though. Fun to look at! Went out to Prahran in the late afternoon to have an x-ray of my lower left leg. Running your finger up the bone and you'll find a interestingly sized hole where bone should be. Curious injury, caused when I was hit by a hockey ball. This was the first of the three successive hits. The two theories were that either the bone had shattered at that point and the little fragments eaten or carried away or that the bone had chipped the the fragment had moved somewhere else in the leg. Thankfully, it was neither. What appears to have happened is the thin layer of muscle on the top has formed a crater because of it being crushed in the hit which makes it feel like there is bone missing. But I always enjoy having x-rays, they're actually quite fun. I got to lead bib to protect... er... my more important bits and I had two brilliant spectators that made me laugh by sticking their tongues out at me at the same time! Also, my car leaks... Remind me to get that fixed...
Yesterday night I went out to the MCG to see the Bledisloe Cup match between Australia and New Zealand. Bought a new shirt, Alastair got one too. The match looked like it might be going all one way during the first five minutes when those Kiwi's scored a try without the Aussies even having touched the ball! At half time the score looked miserable for our team being 6-15 down. Amelia joined up with us during the second half when the level of game play started to increase. We cheered and shouted, only sometimes understanding why. New Zealand not scoring at all the second half and our excellent ability to score two converted tries put us in the lead for the final seven minutes of the match. It was an excellent game and the closeness and competitiveness of the two side is what really made it all worthwhile. Congratulations Australia on winning the Bledisloe Cup! And next time we go, we're taking giant inflatable sheep to bounce over the heads of the crowd!
All in all, a very memorable week, with plenty of times and places that I'll remember for the rest of my life. I have another event that I'm likely to remember tonight and I hope to see you there.
Finally, a mention to Matt Sanderson, who is able to make me burst out laughing at a fancy looking cafe next to the art gallery. I was already one of the youngest, most suspicious looking people there and you just added the touches to finish the picture. Thanks.
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