Me: "Hey, could I get a large seafood?"
Shopkeeper: "No problem"
*Sits and waits, reads magazine in front of him*
Shortly afterwards,
Random Female: "Excuse me?"
Me: "Hi!"
"Could I ask you a question?"
"No problem"
"But, uh... this is sorta a personal question. Is that okay?"
"I mean, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's just that y'know"
"Well, uh... this is gonna sound a little weird but..."
"I, er, um... I'm having a few self esteem problems and uh,"
"I was sorta wondering... do you think I'm pretty?"
*I lean back in chair, contemplating the correct answer*
"Oh okay"
*Brief pause, random female goes back to facing the wall, I go back to reading magazine (good article on HD-DVD)*
Random female: "What makes you say that?"
Me: "Well, you do have quite a pretty face, I'm not lying. You obviously put some effort into your appearance which means that you care about the way that you look. Some girls don't put any effort at all in, and it doesn't quite work for them. And some try too hard, and you can't see their face and who they really are. I don't like to look at faces so much as what's behind the face and what the people I'm looking at believe in and their ideals."
"Yeah, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"True, and you can't judge a book by its cover. You need to see the beauty on the inside as well..."
*Random female absorbs this*
"Could you do be a favour?"
"Uh, sure!"
"Could you tell me I'm pretty?"
"You are, you're pretty."
"No, just say 'you're pretty!'"
"You're very pretty."
"No I mean like, just 'you're pretty!'"
"You're pretty!"
*Random female faces the wall again, I go back to the article (Dated July 2006...) *
Random female: "What would it mean if a guy refused to answer?"
*I lean back in chair again, connecting large quantities of information"
Me: "You've clearly had a guy refuse to answer that question to you recently, but I don't think you need to worry, you are quite pretty!"
"Yes, but what would it mean?"
"Well, it could be that he didn't understand the question; or that he was confused as to what to compare you to, or in what context; or it could be he doesn't want to tell you what he really thinks."
"Yeah, when you asked me if I thought you were pretty, I could have given you a completely different answer, it all depends on what I compare you to. If for example I had decided to compare you to a super-model, then I wouldn't have called you pretty; and if I had decided to compare you to someone not so desirable, then I would have been over-enthusiastic in my response. I decided to compare you to the Australian population as whole, which I believe to be an adequate comparison."
"The problem with guys and that question is that we have trouble picking who to compare you with. Trying to pick someone to compare you with when there are three billion people in the world is not an easy task, most guys can't handle that."
*Information sinking in, my eyes are starting to wander back to the magazine again*
"So how old are you?"
*I'm thinking that by now she's going to want my number or something, but the simple 'I have someone special (very special) in my life' will save me*
"Oh good, I didn't want to be asking that question to someone young"
"It's just that he confuses me sometimes..."
"I know."
"...and he never quite understands..."
"I just wish he would pay more attention."
"It seems to be a running theme amongst men."
"So what do you think it was? Lack of understanding, confusion or didn't want to answer?"
*I think to myself: ">Removed - Too detailed for female readers<
Me: "Confusion"
Random female: "Thanks so much" *pause* "Could you tell me I'm pretty again?"
"You're very pretty!"
"No, just I'm pretty"
"You're pretty"
Shopkeeper: "Large seafood?"
Me: "That's me!"
*I get up, take pizza, about to leave*
Random female: "One more time please, it feels good to hear it"
"You're pretty"
"Thank you so much for helping me"
"Anytime! It was good meeting you"
"You too, I'll see you around"
*Shakes hands (what else was I supposed to do? Hug her? I don't know where she's been???) and leaves*
And that was my random pizza shop experience...
2 opinions:
Haha sounds interesting....
Confusion... its confusing me to see how it would be confusing, it seem like a pretty strait forward question. but o well
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