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Mental Countdown

| 18 October 2007
Is anyone else watching the days fly by before the end? Kinda sad isn't it...

I'm still not in the mindset that I'm at the end. It just doesn't seem as... final... as it's supposed to. I've been doing the same thing for thirteen years and now I'm at the end all of a sudden, and I feel like I'm being pushed of this plank...

Sure, I've had enough of school. Sure, I've had enough of these early mornings. Sure, I've had enough of putting of with bullshit from idiots.

But I haven't had enough of seeing my frineds everyday at school, and I don't think I'd ever get sick of it. It's always seemed like a part of our conversation is missing when someone isn't there to share it with us. It's that permanent feeling that I'm going to hate next year.

Okay, yeah, I'll make new friends, but I know that I'll never ever forget the ones that I met at school, they're the ones that change who your are. And I know that a day won't go by that I won't think of them.

They claim the whole purpose of going to school is to learn academically, to enrich your head with knowledge shared throughout generations, to learn the foundations of the knowledge that will make our society great... They are wrong... The whole purpose of schoool is to learn socially, to enrich your head with knowledge about others and their beliefs, to learn the foundations that won't just make our society great, but to make each and every person within it great, to make a person able to walk past a stanger to them and bid welcome and to create the one thing that no person in the world can truly succeed without... Friends...

3 opinions:

Anonymous said...

To be, or not to be...James is the next Shakespeare!
Yes i wonder how many panda's you can find at uni:P! yeah we'll all miss everyone..won't we? Sad:(
Oh well, we're going have an awesome time when exams are over and cherish the moments!!

Anonymous said...

1: u will ace the eng exam
2: do u want to make me cry??


im hating all this 'goodbye school', not seeing friends everyday thing...

then again i do want to leave school, i cant win! haha

rapture1024 said...

my life aspirations are to end up with a couple of quotes the appear on google homepages worldwide...

I think that last paragraph could work, even if a little long...