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I’m ready...

| 25 October 2007

Wow... I'm graduating tonight...

It feels so weird, being that person you never thought you'd be, one of the members of the graduating class.

So today was my last day.

Final assembly, where we formed our circle and passed the colours, will remain with me forever, as will our final chapel service, where we belted out Jerusalem louder than I'd ever heard it before.

We spent a lot of time signing shirts. There's quite a few memorable ones:

"James, what a great name" –Pant

"I can feel your ass crack!" –Da only black guy in Methods CAS

"I'm... Sad..." –Ajit

"You dirty DOG!" - Ongas

"S.E.P.S" –Bevo

And a quote Matt could add to his blog: "There is nothing either good or bad – thinking makes it so" – Mr. P

And Picka's is right... It isn't good or bad that we are leaving, it's what we make of it after we are gone... If we choose to leave the school and never look back, so be it. But if we miss the place, we will return. To repeat someone's words from today: Haileybury has defined us, become a part of us, and everywhere we go from now on we take Haileybury with us.

I'm ready... Ready to say good bye, ready to leave school, ready to start the next chapter of my life book... But I'll never forget school and the way it has changed me.

2 opinions:

Anonymous said...

Very well said.

Congratulations again,

All the best,


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS on graduating!! :)

see u soon!