Been busy with school and that... next review will be on IE 7
Probably later in the week...
EDIT: In the mean time, check out this!
Probably later in the week...
EDIT: In the mean time, check out this!
Look! It's a blog! Watch it grow as you feed it posts and comments...
Look! It's a blog! Watch it grow as you feed it posts and comments...
2 opinions:
uve been busy with school work! Shock!:P neways this is mr annonymous! i wonder who? hav fun, and i might read ure next blog on internet explorer!:P:P
That translator is nowhere near as cool as the Swedish Chef one (too lazy to find a link, Wikipedia it). And Kong, we can tell it's you because of the horrible grammar and spelling. Geez, I though you people always used proper grammar, seeing as it's your second language and all...
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