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Email accounts...

| 16 February 2008
To all of my friends who use Hotmail:

Get a real email address!


Oh for Christ-sake... All I want to do is send half a dozen people an email. I want to send it so that none of the recipients know any of the others, so I use the BCC field. I want you to be 100% assured that the email arrived from me, so I digitally sign it...

Please hotmail users, thank your postmaster for returning my email, claiming it took on a spam like appearance...

The contents of the email would have been unreadable to your postmaster without you receiving the message with all sorts of red flags appearing next to it, claiming that the message has been tampered with, as it rightly would have been, thanks to my digital signature.

The fact that I want to hide who else I've sent it to is common with all my emails at the moment, and remains to be common among businesses worldwide. Your postmaster has blocked a service that has existed in emails for years...

Yes, I've hated Hotmail for years because of it's simple interface, poor junk-filtering, incorrect diagnosis of legitimate emails, lack of connectivity (i.e. there's situations where you might want to be able to click on a link in an email (don't say you can, you can't... don't even bother... people have pages telling you that you suck).

So now it's time for you to actually do the world a favour and provide us with an email account that we can send emails to, and not have to suffer... Have some help...

Ok, ok... I'll relax... I'll calm down...

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