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| 23 November 2006
After close inspection, I decided I needed something interesting on the site.

Pacman is down the bottom of the page.

Use the arrows to move.
P = Pause
Q = Quit
M = Mute/Unmute
L = Toggle Quality

I later plan to add more games and have multiple domain names so that we can get here from school (Don't doubt me, those lectures are starting to bore people).

EDIT: Nice new green button on the bottom left under Pacman. It's called a Web Fire Escape. Click it when you're about to get busted for playing games! If you get sick of going to Google then head to http://weblog.garyturner.net/cookieform.html to change your destination (HOnline seems smart).

2 opinions:

Matt said...

your not planning on playing games during lectures are you?

Hawley! said...

i know i am