On the first of March I moved house, leaving Dad back in Sandringham. The new house is much smaller and is nice and cosy.
However at the start of the month there was no gas, hence no hot water. The reason for having no gas was due to a major gas leak under the new house because the shower was not connected to any drainage, and the water would run over the gas pipe, which over time has rusted out.
And up to a couple of days ago, no phone line because Telstra was considerate enough to connect the wrong phone line to the house. Similarly there has been no Internet, so I wasn't able to update my blog, but now I have cable Internet (and a fancy new router) that keeps me sane for when there's nothing to do. I didn't have a computer anyway, cos something was seriously wrong with it; all it would do was to spin fans and that's it... no system ok beep... then it stopped even doing that... it just sat there... It now has a new power supply and runs fine, apart from only loading Windows every second time and being incredibly unstable. I only have to live with it till May though, when I get a new notebook!
In the middle of all this I'm involved with the year 10 play, Hating Alison Ashley, so my spare time created from my inability to be able to do anything at home has been used up there... Very very busy...

Then I went to Sophie's 18th a couple of weeks ago (March 17th to be exact) and found myself a nice girl named Izzy (or did she find me?) and we invited each other to our formals (and mine was only two weeks away.. lucky I'm just so organised :p).
Wednesday the next week I got what felt like a stitch on my right side just under my chest, but it got worse and worse throughout the day. The pain spread up my body and into my right shoulder as well and it would hurt to breathe or move. Lucky the guys found it funny as I rolled on the ground in pain cos I didn't find it humorous at all (though I was laughing... which hurt). Panadol did nothing to ease the pain. 9 or 10pm that night (I wasn't really watching the time) I was taken to hospital. They prodded and poked me and at about 1am they decided I was in pain so issued me some Morphine (about bloody time). Couple of conclusion jumping moments later I was being taken into the operating theatre to remove my appendix.
Woke up the next day (about 4am) without any pain... feeling much better... and I didn't even have any Morphine in me yet! I was told that my appendix hadn't ruptured like they had suspected and it was completely normal, yet they removed it anyway. They asked if the pain from yesterday was still there and were confused with the outcome. Clinically, they had done nothing that would have an affect on the pain and its cure yet I was all better (apart from having a 10cm hole that never needed to be created). They told me I would most likely be in hospital for more than a week and I'd miss out on going to my formal, I was pretty sad about missing it. They ended up holding me in hospital for two days til Friday afternoon and I got a good experience of what boredom feels like, as I was unable to do anything in the hospital bed... Soooooo BORING!!! Had some visitors though which made my days really interesting, you have no idea how much more interesting my day would become when there was someone to talk to. No idea at all. Thanks to Martin, Alastair, Nick and Amelia for visits. A double thanks to Izzy for two visits. And another thanks to Simon for an attempted visit and a big bar of chocolate.
After a quick chat with the doctor I was allowed to go home. Dr Dyer told me I would be allowed to go to the formal, but I had to take it easy and no dancing. She suggested not too much drinking because throwing up would put me back in hospital. Also, not allowed to be sitting down for any great periods of time which eliminated me from heading over to South Australia these holidays (I'd be leaving now otherwise). Finally, I had to take it easy for the next three months and I wasn't allowed to do any heavy lifting for one to three months, which means I won't be able to help much for the next school play, Inheritance, and I'd miss out on the first half of the hockey season. I'm annoyed but thankful it ain't worse (like if they had went looking for what the problem was). Missed out on a week and a half of school, now have heaps of homework to catch up on.
Izzy helped me pick out a shirt and tie for the formal (Thanks for that, it turned out perfect). I was late to the before party at Amelia's but it was still fun, mostly photo's and talking which was a comfortable way to start the night. The formal itself was a good night, with lower than average food and quality music that started to head the wrong direction towards the end. Plenty of photos taken, I'll post a link when I finish uploading them to Flickr (There's another email address I've acquired in my travels, starting to get frustrating all these addresses). After party at Alastair's was excellent too; poker night worked well until Jess turned up and got distracting. Heaps of fun being dressed up playing poker and I had a very sexy partner helping me play.
The formal itself wasn't worth $140 but the whole night from start to finish definitely was, I had heaps of fun with everybody, especially Izzy.
Yesterday (Sunday 1st) I went to the Flower and Garden show with Izzy and that was a nice relaxing day out. Oh and flowers don't need water to live... nah...
Thanks all for keeping me alive (almost) during March, just hope next March ain't like it.
EDIT: Formal photo's uploaded - higher resolution pics available, send me a message. Anything with a _1 at the end has been edited and is at a lower quality. Again, just ask for the original if you want it.